
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    6 Ways To Boost The Effectiveness Of Training

    Wed,Apr 11,2012 @ 10:54 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    6 Ways To Boost The Effectiveness Of Training

    Training our staff can be expensinve, and time consuming.  Protect your investment by reinforcing the training.  Below are 6 easy ways to provide training reinforcment for your staff.

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    3 Things NOT To Do When Coaching

    Tue,Apr 10,2012 @ 12:09 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    3 Things NOT To Do When Coaching

    We constantly talk about what to do when coaching but what about what NOT to do when coaching an employee? Whether you are coaching one or one hundred employees the process of coaching can become overwhelming and often, without realizing, you may veer off your intended path. Below are 3 things to avoid to keep your coaching on track. 
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    The 3 Point Training Strategy

    Wed,Apr 04,2012 @ 12:33 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    The 3 Point Training Strategy

    Recently, we were hired to help a company post-webinar. They wanted us to create follow-up material, from a live webinar that they attended, that would both engage their employees and leverage the training they had just received. An hour long webinar is packed full of information, and the company’s managers needed to understand how to take everything their employees..

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    What’s Your Training Worth Without Coaching?

    Mon,Mar 26,2012 @ 01:34 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    What’s Your Training Worth Without Coaching?  

    Training is in such a tail spin I LOVE IT. The days of "take my all day event for $250 a head" are finally leaving us. I love it because those events NEVER produce long-term measurable results. E-learning simply does not work when the courses are long and too generic to really hit home with learners. In today's fast paced social media driven world our..

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    Training Reinforcement

    Wed,Mar 07,2012 @ 04:41 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Training Reinforcement

    Every year many companies invest a great deal of time and resources on employee training programs with the expectation that employees will return from training as top selling sales reps, but this is unlikely given that employees will only retain a portion of what they have learned just weeks later. Research continues to emphasize the ineffectiveness of traditional training..

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    Top 5 Ways to Drive Performance

    Mon,Feb 27,2012 @ 01:46 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Top 5 Ways to Drive Performance

    1. Have a daily coaching check. Build a coaching task into your daily schedule to improve your staff, anything from a simple “good job Sue” to a full blown coaching session. Text messages, emails, and voicemails can count, so no more excuses.

    2. 30 second rule: if you find yourself talking for longer than 30 seconds at a time while coaching your employees, you..

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    So What Happens After the Workshop? (Part 1)

    Mon,Jul 25,2011 @ 02:59 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Workshops and seminars are a great way to instigate new techniques or to train employees about a product. They provide helpful tools and tips to improve sales, and they give representatives real world applications that are geared towards the bottom-line. After most workshops, employees return to the office re-focused and ready to make an impact; however, a couple months down the road those tips..

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    Training Reinforcement + Coaching = Performance

    Tue,Jul 19,2011 @ 08:43 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Training is important to every business. Employees go through training sessions when they begin at a company, and most are sent to seminars at least once or twice throughout their employment. These sessions provide tips, tools and techniques to perform a job to the best of a person’s ability, and they are beneficial to employees…for about a month or two. Oftentimes, upper-level management does..

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    How Managers Can Help Reinforce Your Training

    Thu,Jul 07,2011 @ 09:43 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    How Managers Can Help Reinforce Training

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    Role-Play, Score, and Reward

    Wed,Jun 29,2011 @ 01:50 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Skills do NOT get better on their own, rather managers need to facilitate the dreaded role-play sessions! But why not make them fun and challenge sales people's competitive juices. Facilitate coaching sessions whereby reps role-play and score on another and than rotate partners. At the end the person with the highest scores will win an award.

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