6 Ways To Boost The Effectiveness Of Training

Training our staff can be expensinve, and time consuming. Protect your investment by reinforcing the training. Below are 6 easy ways to provide training reinforcment for your staff.
Role play between 2 employees, with or without managers present. Training will have a better impact when followed up with immeadiate practice.
OR role play and have each participant write down 3 things they did well and 3 areas tha could use improvement. Schedule a follow-up role play session to see if improvment was made in weak areas and consistency in the strong areas.
Facilitate group discussions about best practices.
After attending a workshop or after a learning activity have employees email you 3 things they learned and how they will apply them to their day to day.
Make an effort to look for and recognize when an employee attempts to apply a new skill. Take 30 seconds to give positive feedback to an employee utilizing a skill well from a previous training program.
Have employees present 3 major benefits of a new product or service.