
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    Are you looking to increase your sales?

    Mon,Aug 31,2009 @ 04:14 PM | Posted by: Nate Ross

    Increasing sales seems to be such a simple concept, yet so many organizations have a hard time tackling it. Managers don't have the time to micromanage and reps frequently lack the time management and motivation to get the organizational objectives accomplished. There are some very basic ways that you can impact the bottom line on an everyday basis.

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    Technorati Claim post

    Mon,Aug 31,2009 @ 12:41 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

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    Great article by Dave Kahle

    Fri,Aug 28,2009 @ 04:22 PM | Posted by: Nate Ross

    Accepting Responsibility for Your Sales Success Copyright 2005, by Dave Kahle

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    The Top 5 Coaching Blunders

    Thu,Aug 27,2009 @ 09:40 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    You have probably seen your fair share of articles or blog posts telling you exactly how that person did their coaching and how well it worked for them.  Well, I have decided to take a different approach.  I wanted to get the word out on the top 5 coaching no-no's that everyone should follow.   

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    Are you a social media narcissist?

    Wed,Aug 26,2009 @ 04:21 PM | Posted by: Nate Ross

    According to Encarta Dictionary, the definition of a narcissist is: excessive self-admiration and self-centeredness. 

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    When Sales Training Isn't Working

    Tue,Aug 25,2009 @ 03:31 PM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    I am sure we have all been through it before in one way or another.  You set up workshops, seminars, assignments, and one-on-one meetings to train your staff so that they can have the most success and then you find they are not using the information given to them.

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    Networking Getting too Expensive? MeetUp!

    Wed,Aug 19,2009 @ 10:51 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    In a down economy networking becomes a bit of a catch 22. Money is tight so many hesitate to pay registration fees for events they otherwise would have benefited from attending. On the other hand, these are the times when we should be working even harder to connect, meet, and network, that next hand you shake may mean the difference between your next big deal, and unemployment.
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    Search Engine Optimize your LinkedIn

    Wed,Aug 12,2009 @ 01:21 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Search engine optimization is everywhere, we all know we should employ SEO on our websites, landing pages, blog entries, etc but what about our social media sites? Do they not provide just as much information about our company and qualifications as our websites do? With tons of content being added to online profiles they are quickly moving up in search engine results. Will your next customer be..

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    How to Make an Unsuccessful Sale a Good Learning Experience

    Wed,Aug 12,2009 @ 01:21 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Everyone has experienced the sales blues, when everything seems perfect and you are confident the sale is going to close until you hear the words, "sorry, we're going ahead with someone else." It is important that we take the emotion out of the sales loss and learn something from it, in order to learn from our mistakes and create more successful closes in the future. Always remember that you..

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