I woke up this morning to the sun shining and the birds chirping. It was a beautiful morning. I got into my car and drove down the street to the local fast food establishment and placed my order. I pulled up to the drive-thru and received a friendly greeting. The lady was upbeat and engaged in a conversation with me. At the next window, I was again greeted, handed my food and told to have a..
Don't Avoid This Word: Change
Affect Behavior. Affect Results.
Marketing, advertising, public relations. These are tools that we use to make sure that consumers are aware of our product and service. We can spend thousands of dollars (and most companies spend more) just to make sure that consumers know about us, but here’s the catch: it takes more than brand awareness to influence a customer’s decision. The ultimate objective of any campaign or marketing..
Two Techniques for a Great Sales Pitch
“It’s time to let it out. It’s time to laugh until you cry, scream until you spit. Show your heart and show some tears. Sing at the top of your lungs. Jump for joy. And when tons of stuff stuffs up your nose, blow it loud and blow it proud. It’s time to let it out.”
Sales Progress is a Result of Positive Coaching
As a child, I have two distinct memories. The first involved my mom picking me up from soccer practice as I sat on the side of the field crying. My coach had yelled at me for playing poorly (I wasn’t exactly the next David Beckham), and I just wanted to go home. The second revolved around my first few days of t-ball. I was new to the team, had never played before and was the only girl. I was..
Why You Don’t Need to be Present Everywhere
3000: That is the amount of advertisements we are exposed to everyday. Billions: The amount spent on advertising every year in the United States.
Three Looks at Traffic for Lead Generation
Let’s face it- we live in a world that is becoming more and more technology based. Customers are turning to the World Wide Web when they need a new product or service, and companies are relying on websites, blogs and online articles to boost sales. Inside sales people need to know where traffic is coming from in order to efficiently gather leads and prospects. There are three important ways that..
The Re-Tweet is the New Way to Prospect
Salespeople know that the best way to reach potential customers is through their current ones. It is important to work well with your clients and to build up trust because essentially you want them to recommend your product or service to their friends and family. Prospecting by obtaining references from clients is a great way to conduct business, and the process has slowly begun moving to the..