
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    New survey demonstrates the importance of building leaders.

    Thu,Mar 25,2010 @ 10:09 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    According to a recent survey by the Hay Group, 64% of the top 20 Best Companies for Leadership, say their people are expected to lead even when they are not in a position of authority, a mere 35% of average companies have this mentality. By expecting that all employees demonstrate leadership skills they are developing employees internally to move up their ranks. Strategies like this reduce turn..

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    Effective workplace communication skills

    Mon,Mar 22,2010 @ 10:42 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    According to the experts the top 5 major forms of communications are:(1) Face-to-face(2) Telephone(3) Texting(4) E-mail(5) Social mediaThe most EFFECTIVE forms of communication are face-to-face and telephone. Keep this in mind when you need to speak to fellow employees especially when confronting someone. Bringing up an important issue may be more comfortable to do through email or text, but it..

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    5 Things the economy has taught us about training our employees.

    Thu,Mar 18,2010 @ 11:26 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    What has the down economy taught us about training our employees? Quite frankly, A LOT!  It’s more important than ever to have effective training with a positive ROI.

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    The multiple roles of coaches in the work place:

    Mon,Mar 15,2010 @ 01:48 PM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    Coaches in organizations must take on several roles to be the best resources they can be for their employees.  They must take on several roles to enhance employee performance and sales skills.

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    Training should be like nutrition, It’s best in small doses

    Thu,Mar 11,2010 @ 10:08 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    How many times have you heard that you should eat 4-6 small meals a day in order to get better results in weight loss and energy?  Yes many times, but what does this have to do with training employees?Think of typical training (a workshop or seminar) as a huge dinner. When it’s over you feel uncomfortable, groggy, and maybe a little overwhelmed. A typical training session can take any where from a..
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    Working Weekends? Are you spending your time wisely?

    Mon,Mar 08,2010 @ 09:23 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    You have worked your butt off all week and you made it to Friday, now it’s time to enjoy the weekend… Isn’t It?  For many professionals the weekend doesn’t equate to 48 hours of pure personal time, it’s actually quite clouded with work.  If you are a working weekend warrior there are a few things to think about, before spending your Saturday afternoon working instead of relaxing.
    1. Are you using..
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    Coaching your employees to take personal responsibility

    Thu,Mar 04,2010 @ 10:23 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    I recently read a great and very short post from the blog of Seth Godin, titledThe relentless search for "tell me what to do".  The post read:

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    Free Whitepaper: Using Social Media to Increase Sales

    Mon,Mar 01,2010 @ 09:09 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

     Download this FREE whitepaper now for a 4-Step process to creating your own social media strategy for selling, including a look at specific ways to use popular social media sites to increase leads and sale.  Use these sales techniques to increase sales now. 

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    3 Mistakes that will hinder an effective coaching session

    Thu,Feb 25,2010 @ 09:43 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    • Be Predictable:
      • Your team member will certainly have some reoccurring issues through out your coaching process, but if you run every meeting the same way, it will get stale, and the interest of you and the team member will take a dive.  Try to mix up where you meet, what time of day you meet, the order of things you discuss etc.
    • Talk too much.
      • Effective coaching sessions are not training..
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    Follow Up to Nurture Leads and Create Business Opportunities

    Mon,Feb 22,2010 @ 09:36 AM | Posted by: Caitlin Robinson

    Nurturing leads has become more important and more difficult than ever for creating business opportunities: 

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