Mary comes into work every day and is motivated, engaged, has a good attitude, and is ready to tackle any project that might come her way.
How to Engage in Coaching
When you hear the words engagement and coaching used together, you generally think about your employees. Are they engaged enough in their work and with each other? What can I do as a coach to improve their engagement? However, one of the most important questions generally goes unasked. Am I fully engaged in my coaching and with my employees? As a coach, it is important that you are 100% engaged.
Coaching Leads to Progress
The purpose of coaching is progress. We coach to help employees progress toward their goals and eventually achieve them. Coaching is the means to a successful end. Progress can be seen in many aspects of an employee and their work. Motivation, attitude, engagement, effort, relationships, etc. all show how an employee is progressing, and each of those aspects is developed by coaching. Progress..
Why Managers' "No Time" is No Excuse for Not Coaching
This is a really interesting topic. No time is also viewed to employees as "My manager does not care." The top performers believe this as much as struggling performers do. Second, when managers say they don't have time to coach, I typically challenge that with "You already coach your employees." They usually look surprised, but I say to them "You send a message every day that prompts them to stay..
Connectivity in the Workplace
It’s important for employees to feel a sense of connectivity in the workplace, whether it be to their boss, their teammates, their job or to the organization itself. What is connectivity? Connectivity is the state of being connected. What does it mean to be connected? Connected is to relate to or be in harmony with another person, one’s work, etc. Managers have the responsibility of keeping..
What is Engagement?
Engagement is a word commonly associated with coaching, but what is engagement? In the article, "What is Employee Engagement?" written by Kevin Kruse, he writes about the meaning of engagement in the workplace and why engaged employees will benefit your company.