It's a saying I hear all the time from managers, "I don't have time to coach!" However, there are two myths within management communities. First, managers coach already! A lack of coaching is a strong component of management, so if you don't like it, please find another job. Second, managers do have time to coach! No matter the department or manager, people run machines, computers, sales,..
Why Pay For Both? How Coaches and Consultants Work in Tandem
Let’s just start with the negative views of both coaches and consultants. There’s a phrase an often heard about consultants along the lines of, “Give the consultant a watch and he’ll tell you the time.” Or, going back to coaching, how they are like consultants with less experience. When it comes right down to it, your business needs them both, and here’s why.
Why Managers' "No Time" is No Excuse for Not Coaching
This is a really interesting topic. No time is also viewed to employees as "My manager does not care." The top performers believe this as much as struggling performers do. Second, when managers say they don't have time to coach, I typically challenge that with "You already coach your employees." They usually look surprised, but I say to them "You send a message every day that prompts them to stay..
Ways to Help You Coach More Effectively
As I have mentioned before in previous blogs, coaching is something that should be done daily. It is easy to put coaching on the backburner because of other responsibilities. However, it is important to coach when the opportunity presents itself. This will continuously help your employees reach their full potential. Coaching shouldn’t be done only when you have time for it as it can be done in..