It's 4:00pm on Friday afternoon, and your having trouble keeping motivated till that time clock tells you, "It's the weekend, GO HOME".
Winning Sales Coaches Don't Manage
This is a great article to read if you want to learn more about sales coaching and why sales coaching is so important in today's business world!
Specific Times and Ways to Use Positive Thinking in the Workplace
I was recently searching for interesting sales topics when a blog post title caught my eye: “The benefits of “Negative” and “Positive” people”.I was immediately intrigued.It is ingrained in us to encourage positive thinking for increased success, what benefits could a negative person possibly have to offer?The post went on to make interesting points on possible benefits like being able to..
Turning a Bad Sales Experince Into a Good Learning Experience
I want you to think back into your history of sales and pick out a memorable sales moment. I would be willing to bet that many of you have settled on a sales situation that, at the time, seemed like the worst situation you would ever be in!
The Top 5 Coaching Blunders
You have probably seen your fair share of articles or blog posts telling you exactly how that person did their coaching and how well it worked for them. Well, I have decided to take a different approach. I wanted to get the word out on the top 5 coaching no-no's that everyone should follow.
When Sales Training Isn't Working
I am sure we have all been through it before in one way or another. You set up workshops, seminars, assignments, and one-on-one meetings to train your staff so that they can have the most success and then you find they are not using the information given to them.