Below are three top sales objections along with strategies to overcome them and improve your sales skills.
5 Things the economy has taught us about training our employees.
What has the down economy taught us about training our employees? Quite frankly, A LOT! It’s more important than ever to have effective training with a positive ROI.
Training should be like nutrition, It’s best in small doses
Training is leaving the classroom
According to independent consultant Joe DiDonato, in his article “The Future Workforce” published in the December/ January edition of E-Learning magazine, training is leaving the classroom in favor of more interactive and successful training methods. He looks to the emerging overload of new information and proposes the best new model for training to be
Lack of Training and Development Leads to Missed Opportunities.
Budget Is No Longer an Excuse for Skimping on Employee Training
Last week we talked about a post from Selling Power discussing the top issues on the minds of sales leaders in 2010. Shortly after posting I came across these interesting new stats published in the December/January edition of E-Learning Magazine from the Spring Board Project. I would say these statistics create a strong case for why we need to continue to train our employees.
Top Issues on Sales Leaders Minds for 2010- Training Techniques
Managers Vs. Sales Coaches
6 Training Reinforcement Methods
Training our staff can be expensinve, and time consuming. Protect your investment by reinforcing the training. Below are 6 easy ways to provide training reinforcment for your staff.