As coaching grows in popularity more and more organizations wrestle with some very simple questions: What is coaching? How can we use it? What doleaders need to specifically do? Let’s look at some of the fundamental aspects of coaching and revisit what it truly means to coach somebody.
Coaching Against Fear
What if the acronym of FEAR was "Failure to Engage And React"? This episode will teach you how to take this acronym and convert some words to promote people's reactions to be proactive and positive, ultimately helping them dissipate fear especially during these unique times.
Coaching is the # 1 Thing to do Right Now~!
Coaching is the number one thing a leader can do right now. Coaching is nothing more than a conversation to learn and find out how somebody's feeling or what they want to do. If there was ever a time to find out how employees were feeling during this coronavirus pandemic is now!
When leaders coach they build trust in relationships. Coaching is about asking questions; whereas, typical leadership..Coaching From the Ground Up
One of the most fundamental things organizations can do is to go beyond the traditional training and coaching. Often, if not all the time, people are coached and taught as it relates to their job functionality. Most people are never trained or coached on how toaccept coaching. Most people are never trained or coached on how to overcomechangeandchallenge. What if organizations took time to..
How to Start a Corporate Training Program for Coaching
Many companies are now starting corporate coaching training programs due to the value that coaching can provide an organization. There is no better opportunity to retain and develop top talent than coaching. With that being said there are certainly challenges associated with coaching such as managers taking the time to do so. Here are six steps that should help organizations develop a corporate..
How To Infuse Positivity Into Your Workplace
I'm going to say something that's controversial- asking your employees to be positive can be condescending. With outside stressors influencing our lives on a consistent basis, when a manager or boss says to me, "Hey, let's put on our happy face and be excited to be here today!", my immediate reaction is, "Yeah, ok," followed by me falling back into my daily negative thoughts. Let's face it, we..
There Are Two Brains: The Positive and The Negative
Often we hear about the right brain and the left brain when in fact I would like to make it a little bit more simplistic. I think we have a positive brain and the negative brain. The positive brain is the brain that people feed with positive content and thoughts and emotions. The negative brain is the brain that allows negative thoughts and feelings. This in essence is a battle every single day..
Water Cooler Leadership
I think every company has the role of leader by the water cooler at some point. What is meant by water cooler leadership? Water Cooler leadership is an event that occurs typically near the water cooler where people complain and gripe about a new policy or maybe even people at the organization. The water cooler is typically a resting place for the disgruntled, but rest assure water cooler leaders..