
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    How One Conversation Could Have Destroyed a Company!

    Thu,Apr 27,2017 @ 05:26 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    I bet when you first read the title you thought it was over the top. This is from a company we worked with years ago that had less than 15 people when I first started working with them. I'll never forget the day this conversation took place. It still reminds me of the value of teaching coaching and what I do for a living.

    A manager of one of our clients sites was extremely upset with one of his..

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    Why People Avoid Conflict

    Mon,Apr 24,2017 @ 12:14 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    When we have to do something associated with conflict and confrontation, people tend to get very squeamish and hesitant to even do so. But, in the meantime, they'll go off and tell others of their frustrations, resulting in "Water Cooler Talk"!

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    Attention Executives-Your Managers Need to Coach, but So Do You!

    Fri,Apr 21,2017 @ 12:59 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    One of the questions I receive frequently from managers is about getting their managers or executive team to coach them. They often fear retribution if they bring it up- as if they are crossing a line. When we provide our program to organizations, everybody says you should start with the executive team, which I agree with, but often it gets pushed down to management levels below the executive..

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    End the Blame Game with the Contribution Frame

    Fri,Mar 03,2017 @ 09:37 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    This article is written by Peter Mclees: One of our Progress Coaching Partners.

    Conflict can be…well…difficult. Perhaps you can associate with the idea that our best selves do not always show up for the occasion. Before we know it, we’re drowning in conflict and our emotional intelligence becomes emotionally dense while a fire-breathing dragon replaces our..

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    Attitude is Everything!

    Mon,Feb 13,2017 @ 10:37 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Although it is impossible to control another person’s attitude, it is possible to make an impact on someone’s attitude whether it be negatively or positively. Often times, attitude is only addressed when it poses a problem or starts out poorly and gets worse. Positive attitudes are rarely addressed, and rarely do we invest in the good things while rewarding positive attitudes. Coaching can help..

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    Teach Employees "How to Be Coached & Why"​: It Is a 2 Way Street!

    Thu,Feb 09,2017 @ 05:09 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    We spend billions on leadership development, but what about the other side, the people receiving leadership and in this case coaching? What if we taught people how to receive feedback? What if we taught them skills to improve their "coaching reception" skills. This could include how to:

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    What The Heck Are My Sales People Doing Inside The Sales Funnel?

    Tue,Feb 07,2017 @ 11:00 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Let's be honest, tracking sales such as leads does not drive sales performance. Tracking won or lost sales also does not drive sales performance. So why do I bring this up? Recently, I met with a sales organization in the manufacturing sector that was telling me they meet with the people every single week for coaching sessions. When I asked her what was the basis of the sessions in terms of what..

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    The Keys to a Successful Coaching Business

    Mon,Jan 30,2017 @ 10:56 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Coaching has grown in popularity in terms of setting up a business now more than ever. Coaching continues to rise as the reception of coaching continues to grow in the corporate world. We have life coaches, executive coaches, sales coaches, nutrition coaches, just to name a few. As our market gets crowded, and dare I say saturated,

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    Build Your "Talent Bench"​ Through Coaching

    Mon,Jan 23,2017 @ 12:53 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    We hear the term all the time-bench strength. I think this term is used all too often as a reactionary method in case people leave the organization. However, a talent bench is when an organization proactively develops talent that can be used within the department as well as throughout the organization. A talent bench is a strategic asset that a company chooses to build to fill future management..

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    3 Step Strategy to Coach Managers to Coach

    Tue,Jan 17,2017 @ 02:53 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    As often providers think, our solutions are magical, and if people would just take training from us, everything would be okay. While this sounds nice, it couldn't be farther from the truth. While I think my company provides great training, other companies do as well, it begs the question, why do managers still struggle to coach? It comes down to one small detail:

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