
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    The Feedback 5 ... Improving Workplace Culture Through Creative Feedback

    Fri,Sep 09,2022 @ 08:25 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    There are 5 actions of feedback a leader can use and this episode also teaches how to teach employees to get feedback on their terms. Feedback is a loaded issue and if carefully crafted from both end of delivery and reception workplace cultures and team will dramatically improve.

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    Teach Employees To Receive Feedback on Their Terms

    Fri,Sep 09,2022 @ 08:21 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    You often hear the concept that feedback is a gift, and it truly is yet we cannot use that approach as some reactive way to facilitate a positive relationship with feedback when so often it is perceived as negative. A positive cadence of feedback structured by the recipient is the secret sauce. There is such a simple concept called WIIFT, what is in it for them.

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    Why Bartenders Make Great Coaches

    Wed,Sep 07,2022 @ 08:58 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Recently, I was conducting a workshop and one of my participants was an ex-bartender. She never hesitated to participate or offer her thoughts or converse with people or dare I say, role play. She's quick on her feet and really listens well during the workshop. I asked her where those skill sets came from. She said, I bartended for 15 years. As I thought about her response, I thought what a..

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    Coaching Conversations Do Not Need to be Difficult With A Little Planning & Preparation

    Wed,Sep 07,2022 @ 08:52 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Conversations are hard. The cool thing about what's happening in the training and development and talent world is that leaders and organizations are finally realizing coaching is not just something we'd like to do if we had time. It is now moved into an arena of, We Must Coach Our Employees. This requires leaders to have conversational ability, the ability to ask questions, to truly listen, to..

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    Conversations Affect The Workplace

    Wed,Sep 07,2022 @ 08:47 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    First of all, realize one thing conversations are powerful! What we say and how we say it has a major impact whether fair or unfair.

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    Turn Your Leadership Training Upside Down!

    Wed,Sep 07,2022 @ 08:33 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    What if we turned our leadership development program upside down? What if we looked at developing our organizational leadership skills and capacity from the bottom up, not from the top down? Let me explain. In the United States alone, we spend hundreds of millions of dollars every single year on top line management, middle management, down to frontline leadership to become better leaders. There..

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    That Poor Little Leaguer (Parent Feedback is Hard to Listen To)

    Wed,Sep 07,2022 @ 08:24 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    I went to go get some food for my wife and I at a very popular place where a lot of baseball teams go after they play. What I witnessed at the counter was a father giving his son some feedback on the game that was just played. As I sat a couple seats away, I quietly listened, not letting them know I was listening. The father began to tell his son he could not make the mistakes he was making..

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    Quiet Quitting Has Been Around For Decades

    Wed,Sep 07,2022 @ 08:16 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Quite Quitting is not a new concept. Maybe it's a different name and a different label yet, we've had quiet quitting for decades. We need to get back to the fundamentals of employment. If you are hired to do a job, you should be hired to do that job to the best of your ability. There is not a job description in the world that encourages people to not try or to gossip or to be negative in the..

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    Do NOT Leave Constructive Feedback By Itself

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 03:16 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    The key to feedback is to give it so someone receives it openly and professionally and puts it into strategic use. One of the best things that you can do is to ask questions after providing feedback. For the sake of this article, we'll assume the feedback is constructive in nature. And here are five questions you could ask to create greater ownership of feedback. 

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    Building Trust Is Tough! Coaching Trust is Tough!

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 03:10 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    There are specific things people MUST do to develop and maintain trust within organizations:

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