
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    The Teeter-Totter: Aligning Employee Goals with Job Expectations

    Mon,Jan 15,2024 @ 08:00 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    The Teeter-Totter: Aligning Employee Goals with Job Expectations

    Have you ever considered the delicate balance of personal goals and job expectations? What if your aspirations for an employee don’t align with their personal ambitions?

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    Unleashing Potential with the Whiteboard Coaching Strategy

    Mon,Nov 20,2023 @ 08:00 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Unleashing Potential with the Whiteboard Coaching Strategy

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    Discovering Desire: Crafting Questions to Uncover Workplace Motivations

    Mon,Nov 13,2023 @ 08:00 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Discovering Desire:

    Crafting Questions to Uncover Workplace Motivations

    What if you could unlock the secret to understanding what truly motivates people? Even more, how can you apply this knowledge effectively in workplace scenarios?

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    Supercharge Your Career: The Power of Supplemental Coaching & Self-Guided Learning

    Mon,Oct 30,2023 @ 08:15 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    The Power of Supplemental Coaching & Self-Guided Learning

    Have you ever wondered how you could take your career from Point A to B? Absorb the transformative knowledge that supplemental coaching provides.

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    Critical Leadership Skill: Conversational Navigation Excellence

    Sun,Sep 11,2022 @ 09:25 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    This episode teaches some fundamental conversational models that help with typical day to day leadership challenges that require Conversational Navigation Excellence.Checkout our Why Leadership Conversations Matter* We provide four 1 on 1 sessions practicing conversation models that lead to greater engagement..

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    What is a Good Leadership Conversation?

    Sun,Sep 11,2022 @ 09:22 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    One of the strongest things that's come out of the pandemic is the reflection organizations are having on the treatment of their employees. How we talk to our employees, how we converse with our employees through communication. We are in the midst of four pretty major projects right now with clients and one of the top things that people bring up to us all the time is communication. During this..

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    Let's Get Back to Work

    Sun,Sep 11,2022 @ 08:48 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    The pandemic has rocked many people and companies. There is no getting around the fact times have been touch for people and certain industries. With that being said ... we need to also provide due attention to a simple concept "A Good Day's Work" I Hope This Helps!

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    The Power of Self-Awareness

    Sun,Sep 11,2022 @ 08:45 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    This episode teaches through a quick youth sports story how self-awareness can help our youth and employees in the workplace.Also checkout our 2022 Talent Development Workshop Series

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    There Are Two Things Leaders Need to Do TODAY to Retain Talent

    Sun,Sep 11,2022 @ 08:41 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    The greatest thing we can do today as leaders is to invest in your employees and to understand them potentially more deeply than we ever have. When we understand what motivates a person and we actually invest in that motivation talent retention and development will skyrocket. We can no longer have these ridiculous discussions about not having time to coach our employees because if we're not..

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    Linda Johnson Interview: Great Insight on D & I Topics

    Sun,Sep 11,2022 @ 08:37 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    I was thrilled to interview my friend Linda Johnson who possesses a willingness and skillset to tackle some of today's toughest issues. She is a master of tough conversations when it comes to helping leaders develop their skillsets with diversity and inclusion related topics.Linda Johnson LinkedIn Profile's Website..

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