This version details four observations of how conversational skills or the lack there of can harm the workplace and relationships between people. The way we converse reveals our abilities and this episode teaches something called an emotional trigger.
Coaching is ALL About Emotional Intelligence
I hope you enjoy this episode. As a certified EQi assessment practitioner I am still amazed at how EQi (emotional Intelligence) is at the forefront of all training, mentoring, and coaching challenges.If intrigued click here to find out about ourEQi Assessment & Coaching Practice:
Your Must Fight Fatigue
If you or your co-workers or employees are tiered and fatigued doing nothing to counter those things will results in continuous fatigue. If some is tired going up a flight of stairs we typically say lets stop and rest concerned for the person. In reality the person needs to workout more so those stairs are not as difficult. We have to create counter measures to fatigue!
30 Day Perspective Coaching Challenge
This episode is all about Perspective. This podcast episode also challenges you to a 30 day challenge whereby you learn of a person's perspective 1 time daily.
The Goal of Feedback Is ...
There are so many views on feedback and how people should perceive feedback. I saw a post that created different viewpoints from feedback as a gift to other viewpoints where people felt feedback was not a gift. I think the one thing that we often miss when it comes to feedback is that feedback is a choice to provide, and it is also a choice to accept.
4 Conversations A NEW Manager Must Have
This episode teaches 4 conversations every new manager not only has to have but has to have fluently and skillfully. The first 90 to 180 days of every new manager's position will be met with resistance, lack of support, and certainly excitement by becoming a new manager. Every new manager must become skilled at conversations because they will be challenged by peers, former peers, people with more..
Employees: Seek Feedback ON YOUR TERMS!
Feedback is a very tough subject for people. It is our contention here at Progress Coaching people dismiss or accept feedback based on their agreement germane to the feedback. What most people don't understand is feedback is not a literal thing yet it is also morphed in perception. When somebody provides an employee feedback such as you are coming off negative and the employees first responses no..
The F10 Assessment ... Check It Out
Feedback is a very tough subject for people. It is our contention here at Progress Coaching people dismiss or accept feedback based on their agreement germane to the feedback. What most people don't understand is feedback is not a literal thing yet it is also morphed in perception. When somebody provides an employee feedback such as you are coming off negative and the employees first responses no..
The Workplace Triangle
The triangle of coaching is a very simple concept yet there are some unique attributes of each stage we encourage organizations to adopt. One of the most fundamental mistakes I think organizations make is we spend so much money on a top-down approach specifically teaching leaders how to lead their employees. When you think about a traditional organization of let's say 100 or 1000 people typically..
We Have It Wrong! The Missing Piece in Leadership Development
I think we have it wrong when it comes to developing leaders within our organizations. If leaders make up let's say 15% of the organization and we have 85% of the organization who needs to receive that leadership we need to cultivate the mindset and the reception of that 85% so the 15% can be heard and accepted.