
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    Building Trust Is Tough! Coaching Trust is Tough!

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 03:10 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    There are specific things people MUST do to develop and maintain trust within organizations:

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    Coaching Employees to Become Influential Leaders

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 03:03 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    One of the most valuable things we can do as leaders is to position people within our own teams to be what I call influential or internal leaders. Now, just for our own definition, internal leaders or influential leaders are those people who don't have the title yet can help you lead the team. Now, let me give you a really fundamental example. Years ago, I was working with a number of branch..

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    Coaching People Full of Crap (said that nicely)

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 02:50 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    What I'm about to share is not going to be very popular. What I'm about to share is not going to be well received by everybody. The other day, I was talking to somebody that works at a manufacturing plant, and this person was a friend of a friend and the friend had asked me to speak to him and talk to him about his performance. I said, sure, but I said, I don't know the guy so I want to be very..

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    Take The Emotional Baggage Out

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 02:37 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    This post will also not be very popular but I'm OK with that. As an entrepreneur we embody a lot of different positions in terms of the work that we do. It is not for the faint of heart and it is certainly not meant for a certain group of people yet let me just say at times it is very very hard. I also think working in the corporate workplace and managing teams is also very very hard. As we talk..

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    How to Have Coaching "Career Conversations" To Retain Talent from Leaving

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 02:29 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Career conversations are now a must more than any other time in our history. When we think about McKinsey's latest research showing 41% of people are actually leaving due to a lack of career development and advancement. Coaching career conversations is about coaching and developing talent for the present and future. We need to find out what people want to do, what motivates them, what they like,..

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    Open the "Self-Awareness" Door for Maximum Talent Development

    Tue,Sep 06,2022 @ 06:47 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    I have said for almost 30 years that coaching is a two step process. First, you want people to look in the mirror. #2, you want people to take action on #1 yet very few people do number one arbitrarily on their own. That's why we need to coach our people to first establish a foundation of self-awareness which will lead to accelerated talent development. Self-awareness is difficult for people...

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    Take The Emotional Baggage Out

    Mon,Sep 05,2022 @ 07:43 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    This post will also not be very popular but I'm OK with that. As an entrepreneur we embody a lot of different positions in terms of the work that we do. It is not for the faint of heart and it is certainly not meant for a certain group of people yet let me just say at times it is very very hard. I also think working in the corporate workplace and managing teams is also very very hard. As we talk..

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    2022 ... The Year of Coaching & Conversations

    Tue,Jan 04,2022 @ 01:24 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Let's be candid things are really sideways. The pandemic! The Great Resignation! Virtual Work! What's next? Not sure yet I do know leaders need to converse and coaching differently than they did two years ago, This video may help:

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    The 4 Keys to Successful Coaching in 2022

    Tue,Jan 04,2022 @ 12:06 PM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

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    Coaching Confidence

    Tue,Mar 23,2021 @ 08:06 AM | Posted by: Tim Hagen

    Confidence is a very brittle element. Confidence comes from two primary sources, practice & positive reinforcement. Constructive feedback rarely instills confidence.

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