
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    The Reason Why Coaching Works

    May 24, 2013 Posted by : Tim Hagen
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    Take a moment to ask this question: As a manager, what do you think is your employee’s number one motivator to perform in the work place?

    If you answered anything like 600 managers that participated in a recent survey, you may have listed: recognition, incentives, interpersonal support, or clear goals. Unfortunately, you also then share in their disappointment of being wrong. The good news is, thanks to the Harvard School of Business, we now know that employee’s associate progress with positive emotions and high motivation.harvardstudy

    Now answer this: Do you think your employees feel as though they are making true progress in their job or work?...not so sure?

    Here is some even better news. As a manager, you can have a direct influence on your employee’s progress through coaching.

    Coaching is providing employees the CHOICE to improve their performance. Well guess what?...they have spoken and they want to improve so now it's time to assist them in doing so. Coaching will help you to motivate your employees by enabling them achieve a sense of progress within their work.

    Below are specific examples of how coaching can help you accomplish this: 

    • Regularly sharing the goals and vision of the top executive team. 
    • Communicating with employees how their job affects these top goals, by bringing to their attention how their specific actions have positively or negatively affected the company's bottom line.
    • Praising employees when their actions help improve the bottom line, allowing them to feel appreciated for their efforts.
    • Recognizing when employees don't see the importance of their job, without guidance these uncommitted people people can only drag you down.

    Click below to download the free white paper: "Coaching and Motivating Employees to Perform Better"

    Click me

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    About Author

    Tim Hagen
    Tim Hagen

    Tim Hagen founded Progress Coaching, a Training Reinforcement Partner Company, in 1997. His entrepreneurial career began in college leading to positions in sales, sales management, and sales training for small and large corporations, and eventually ownership of several training companies. Tim is often a keynote speaker at companies teaching the value of coaching and conversations in the workplace. He possesses a unique combination of hands-on experience, academics, and innovative insight to solve the industry’s most common challenges specific to workplace performance. Tim holds a bachelor’s degree in Adult Education and Training from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

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