You just returned from a workshop or seminar and you are feeling full, full of information that you are trying to digest all at once, but it’s not going down that easily. That’s the feeling most people get when they have attended a typical training session or a one or two day workshop or even workshops that may last a week. The information taught during these training sessions is important and relevant, but most people can’t remember half of what was taught. Research shows that adults will remember more information when it is given to them in smaller doses over an extended period of time. When information is fed a little bit at a time, it gives employees the opportunity to digest and process the details of what they were given.
The average adult’s attention span is about 30 minutes, which is another issue that training workshops have, as the facilitator must find ways to keep their participant’s attention throughout the workshop. As an adult learning method, coaching is needed to help them take the information they learned and apply it to their day-to-day activities for sustainability. The coach’s knowledge and skills are used to encourage a better understanding of the new information and skills received through training. When considering the best way to deliver training, keep in mind that a little bit at a time is easier to digest than all at once.
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