Helping your employees perform to their highest ability can sometimes prove to be challenging for managers or leaders. There are many ways to increase an employee's performance and when applied, you will see great benefits. Here are a few simple ways that managers or leaders can use to help drive an employee's performance:
- Have a daily coaching check. Build a coaching task into your daily schedule to improve your staff, anything from a simple “Good job Sue.” to a full blown coaching session. Text messages, emails, and voicemails can count, so no more excuses for not taking the time.
- 30 second rule: If you find yourself talking for longer than 30 seconds at a time while coaching your employees, you are not listening enough.
- Ask questions: Get more out of your employees by asking "How so?" "Can you tell me a little bit more about that?" or "Can you give me an example?"
- LISTEN! A great quote by Stephen Covey: "Most people do not listen with an intent to understand. Most people listen with an intent to reply." Make sure this isn't you.
- Have your employees help each other. In a group coaching session, have them run through difficult objections or dismissal comments with each other. Reward the team member that comes up with the best rebuttals.