The toughest thing training has gone through is measurement and the thing always holding back training from ultimate success is the engagement of management. Coaching is that missing piece but of course people want to measure it but a lack of results too early may prompt people to stop coaching. coaching is about creating management team,s that are engaged and helping drive performance that results in higher performing employees. Here are the five suggestions:
1. Track employee turnover
2. Track levels of employee to management engagement with quarterly surveys
3. Interview employees and track their perceptions, number of scheduled coaching sessions, their ratings of engagement.
4. Measure skill levels by both employee and management ratings. This can serve a s a benchmark as most managers will rate their employees lower than the employee will rate them self; therefore, they have just created a stake in the ground to coach their employees.
5. Last, as corny as this sounds measure the happiness of employees being coached as well as the managers doing the coaching. Ask questions around trust, better understanding of employee needs, relationship between management & employee, etc.