
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    Unleashing Potential with the Whiteboard Coaching Strategy

    November 20, 2023 Posted by : Tim Hagen
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    Unleashing Potential with the Whiteboard Coaching Strategy


    Are you ready to revolutionize your leadership strategy? We unveil a potent tool that seriously upgrades how you coach your team: the dynamic whiteboard coaching model.

    This coaching technique not only aids in understanding motivation but also helps you manage your team more effectively. It's all about facilitating conversations that spotlight your team member's current state, desired state, and the road map to bridge the gap. This model kicks off by identifying individual strengths and areas of improvement in the current job role. The magic sparks when we shift to visualizing the ideal work scenario. Culminate the conversation by defining what it takes to transition from the present state to the desired one, empowering your team to co-author their path to improvement.

    Most importantly, using a whiteboard as a focal point creates a non-threatening, collaborative environment that fosters open dialogue and self-awareness. This game-changing method shifts the coaching conversation dynamic, stimulating self-awareness and intrinsic motivation. Perfect for leaders eager to foster a positive, collaborative coaching environment. Let's get coaching!

    As a leader, one of the greatest activities you can facilitate for the understanding of motivation is whiteboard coaching. We're kind of famous for this (self-proclaimed, but accurate).

    Think about a piece of paper divided into three columns across the top. There are many adaptations of this model but for this purpose, we'll stick with the main one where we show Columns 1, 2, and 3, as shown in the image below.


    Column 1 is your Current state. Here's how you start this strategy:

    If I'm coaching you, I might say, "Currently, as it relates to your job, where do you feel like you have strengths, and where do you feel like you have opportunities to improve?" You would write down two to three responses for strengths, then two to three responses where they have opportunities. Then I might ask, "If you were to describe how you feel about your current job, would you love it? Would you like it? Would you somewhat dislike it?" That gives you an apparatus of understanding if they're intrinsically or extrinsically motivated.

    So, Column 1 is the snapshot of their current state. The reason we start with strengths is to build momentum in the conversation. Use the word "opportunities" versus 'constructive feedback' or 'weaknesses,' and then the love, like, and dislike question.

    Then, go all the way over to Column 3, and ask, "What's your desired state? What does that look like? What would you be doing differently? What would you like to be doing more of? What strengths do you have in that area?" Their answers give you a picture of their desired state.

    Only after filling out Columns 1 and 3 do we then go to Column 2.

    There's a very specific reason we go from Column 1 to Column 3: remember, most people lack self-awareness. The whiteboard is going to become your partner and act as their mirror. When they're looking at the whiteboard, they're looking at themselves.

    Now, I forget the statistics, but people will be more likely and willing to change, willing to look in the mirror if they have a vision of how to get there. When you complete Column 3, then go back to Column 2 for what is called a psychological disrupt. It gets them to think differently.

    Ask them, "What do we need to do to move you in the direction of Column 3, and what would you like from me?" Now they've invited the coaching and the feedback. They've essentially co-authored or re-engineered their own change. The reason they're willing to do that is because they have a vision on the whiteboard. They're looking at the whiteboard, not at their boss, which can often lull people into a mindset of, "I better say the right thing, because my boss is asking me." They have turned their whole focus on themselves.

    Here's the funny thing: most people won't do this on their own. That's why everybody needs a coach.

    Whiteboard coaching is one of the best activities to not only ascertain motivation but also develop the action steps to help the person with their motivation.

    Other Strategic Learning Projects to Determine Motivation

    • Write down the four kinds of motivation: intrinsic vs extrinsic, and relationship or independent-driven. Intrinsic is motivated by the job and process, while extrinsic is motivated by upward movement in the job. Relationship-driven prefers teamwork and collaborating, while independent-driven prefer to work alone. Think about these and write which of those types apply to you and why.

    • Think about what drives you to succeed and feel valued. Write down two specific examples of where you felt highly motivated in a task, project, or relationship at work, and the success you experienced because of it. Identify which of the four types of motivators these examples fit into.

    • Identify one specific example of where you lacked the motivation necessary to complete a task or project at work and the reason why.

    • Brainstorm actions you can take and are willing to take to do more of the things you like and learn the things you want to learn to get you to your desired state.

    If you are looking for a way to strengthen your organization, ask about our Coaching Champion Certification program, where we take everyday employees and use everyday conversations to strengthen the organization's culture. Coaching Champions inspire and motivate others and professionally challenge those who struggle with positivity.

    Get More info Here: click here.

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    About Author

    Tim Hagen
    Tim Hagen

    Tim Hagen founded Progress Coaching, a Training Reinforcement Partner Company, in 1997. His entrepreneurial career began in college leading to positions in sales, sales management, and sales training for small and large corporations, and eventually ownership of several training companies. Tim is often a keynote speaker at companies teaching the value of coaching and conversations in the workplace. He possesses a unique combination of hands-on experience, academics, and innovative insight to solve the industry’s most common challenges specific to workplace performance. Tim holds a bachelor’s degree in Adult Education and Training from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

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