Revolutionizing Leadership: How AI Coaching Partners Transform Coaching Conversations
Out of all the episodes in Coaching Conversations, I want to introduce you to a concept that I'm really excited about, called AI Coaching Partners.
For 32 years, I've been teaching leaders how to coach and I've never backed off this statement. Most leaders will say, "I wish I had more time to coach." The real reason most people don't coach is they don't know what to do, or they don't know what to say. Which I empathize with. It's hard to coach people when you have someone with a negative attitude. They have so many things on their plate: you have someone with high potential, you have an emerging leader, you've got a top talent, recruiters are calling for this person, you've got two people who are negative and spreading rumors at the water cooler, and oh, by the way, you're supposed to do career coaching. There are so many things stacked at the doorstep of every leader. They need help.
The whole mission of Progress Coaching is to help leaders have these conversations. Before we get into AI coaching partners, let me give you another reference point, and that is coachability. What if leaders helped all of their employees to become more approachable and coachable? Not a single leader in the world would fight that concept. We teach individual contributors how to seek and accept coaching and feedback. Wouldn't that make it easier on leaders? What else can we do?
Welcome AI Coaching Partners.
AI Coaching Partners is a concept and also the name of one of our new product lines. AI Coaching Partners essentially has a conversation in tandem with the leader (not just in place of the leader). Let me give you an example of one we use right now for career coaching.
Many of you know that I teach a coaching framework called QALMS. The M is motivator. 42% of people today are actively looking for jobs outside of the organization due to a lack of career development and coaching (Gallup). That's even more pressure on our leaders.
What's really cool is what if leaders could have those conversations with real data behind it? Here's how it works. Leaders ask their employees to go to this tool that will ask them a series of questions. It's an AI partner that has a conversation with the employee and goes through a complete assessment in an unintimidating, casual way. The assessment is essentially a career coaching assessment, and the employee's responses will be analyzed by the AI tool and sent to the leader. The analysis gives the leader the next set of questions to start their coaching conversation with the employee and a guide of how to continue. That gives both the leader and the employee a better path to follow to help them achieve their goals.
Here's the best part. Remember the term AI Coaching Partners. Ai is the tool. Coaching is the question-based programming. The tool asks a lot of questions. Then the partners. Here's how we partner with leaders: Once the results are done from the assessment, the individual contributor will put in their boss's name and email address, and the boss will get copied on that particular set of answers.
We've built out about 10 tools, from being a better teammate to improving your ability to receive feedback, active listening, motivation, and career coaching, which is the one I just referenced above. The results will come to the leader and the leader has an interpretation guide. If somebody says I like my job, but I don't love it, or if they say I'm intrinsically motivated versus extrinsic, or if somebody says I don't know where to go next versus somebody who says I know exactly what my next step is in my career, it creates a coaching guide for all those scenarios. We literally itemize per answer how leaders should coach.
The AI tool has the conversation with the employee with the assessment embedded into the questions. The results are routed to the leader and then the leader has an interpretation guide to start having those coaching conversations on a continuous basis.
Why do I share this with you? It isn't just to sell a product. AI is not going to replace the conversations we need to have with our people, so what we have to do is think about AI as a coaching partner. We literally have conversations with employees with embedded assessments and interpretation guides that allow leaders to not only scale their time but also have more targeted help and focus as it relates to coaching their employees.
AI is here to assist us, not to replace us.
Interested in seeing AI Coaching Partners for yourself? Watch the video below for more information and take this free assessment here: