Coaching an employee requires the coach and coachee to have a good relationship. Developing a relationship with an employee is an extensive process, but without it, the employee, the company, and the coach can all suffer. In order to coach your employee you need to know your employee. Coaching is all about helping your employee to realize what they could improve upon or fix, and then directing them towards a solution. To do this, you need to know a lot about your employee. Here are a few things to look at when building relationships
- What motivates them?
- What are their strengths?
- What are their weaknesses?
- What interests them?
- What role to do they play in the company?
As a coach, here are a few questions to ask yourself.
- Am I coaching based on what I know about my employee?
Sometimes coaches coach to the situation instead of the employee. It is important to remember that every employee is different, and even if the situation has happened before, each person who experiences it is going to handle it differently.
2. Am I noticing the positive things?
It is easy to only coach and talk to an employee when they need help with something. But it is important to praise the positive as well. Noticing when an employee does something well or exceeds expectations helps keep employees motivated and encourages them to continue to strive for that level of excellence.
Remember, building a good relationship with your employees is essential for successfully coaching your employees and producing results!
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