Training reinforcement is a powerful tool when building teams of people's knowledge and skill levels. We can no longer simply roll out training and hope for the best. Coaching and Training Reinforcement MUST be added to support the g training as well as extend it's teachings.
Here is another easy and inexpensive training reinforcement method that we use for our clients. Remember there are many reasons training reinforcement programs are important, including increased returns on investment, increased retention of knowledge, increased sales from better-trained teams, etc.
Today we will discuss, chain training, a method actually brought to us by one of our clients. Weekly or bi-weekly find a relevant article related to your learning initiatives, print the article and include a blank page on top. Start the article off with one member of the team, have them read the article and write the most profound thing they learned from the article on the blank front page, then pass it on one by one to the rest of the team. Include a recap of all main points attached to the next week’s article.
This process is quick while being useful, and the recap a week later, reminds them of the previous week's lesson as well as a unique opportunity to get more from the article by reviewing what their team members saw as the most relevant parts of the article.
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