In today's world when people's time is so tight so short is imperative that we use our time with them wisely. Meetings are boring when only one person is talking and the rest of us are simply listening. In coaching, we leverage meeting time using group and peer to peer coaching methods. In regard to a specific subject a leader of the meeting could present the subject and ask meeting attendees to break into groups of two people and complete a certain task associated with the topic being presented. For example, if a company is rolling out a new product or service the leader of the meeting could assign the features, benefits, and questions to groups associated with the product or service being presented. Each group would then present their task and its findings. This breeds engagement, attentiveness, and true ownership of the material being presented. The same type of meeting methodology can be used for skill development. You can bring people into groups and have them practice a particular skill. This approach leverages time and alleviates leaders from facilitating constant boring meetings.
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