So many times in my job, I get a lot of questions like, “how do you coach to engagement study results?” Questions like that remind me that so many engagement studies are based on personality tests, blanketing entire groups of individuals who are just that – INDIVIDUAL! So how can an engagement study accurately portray the personalities of each person on your team by putting them into categories rather than coaching to the individual themselves? Just a heads-up on that one – most of the time, leaders will adjust their coaching only to the groups of personalities that the engagement study believes that people with all sorts of different personalities might fall into. That strategy is time-effective, sure, as you can coach the individuals in each category the same, but not the most accurate strategy out there.
In comes the new engagement study: the Dual Coaching Assessment Strategy. How will you know what motivates your team without getting to know their GOALs? That’s exactly what this strategy takes care of. By having the employee complete a GOAL assessment, you can find out what they are truly motivated by and what sorts of goals they hope to accomplish within their current position or in their career as a whole. On the opposite side of the assessment, you as their coach will complete what’s called a SOAR assessment. This evaluates the individual’s strengths, opportunities to improve, actions needed to be taken by the individual, and responsibilities that you can assign to them to help them reach their goals. In this type of assessment, you get a sense of the individual’s personality, as you would in other engagement study strategies, but you also build a strategy based on questions answered by the individual themselves about their motivations. Building a positive coaching relationship between you and the individual you are coaching, the Dual Coaching Assessment avoids blanket personality labels while creating a specific coaching strategy without taking too much of your time. This is where the Coaching Assessment Strategist comes into play.
Our team of strategists is on standby, ready to help build a strategy specific to the results from the GOAL and SOAR assessments completed by yourself and the employee you are going to be coaching. We send the strategy to you, and get you started on a clear coaching path to raise engagement and grow a new coaching relationship! It’s that easy!
Every great coach hopes to be successful in their coaching relationships, and those relationships should revolve around getting to know the individual you are coaching.