
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    Balancing Expectations and Goals: The Path to Effective Coaching

    January 8, 2024 Posted by : Tim Hagen
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    Balancing Expectations and Goals: The Path to Effective Coaching

    What if a fail-proof strategy existed for effective team leadership, one that harmonizes expectations and goals? Brace yourself as we reveal the secret to success in leadership and coaching. This discussion not only sets the tone for the year but also lays down the framework for successful coaching relationships. We dissect the first conversation into four main quadrants: your expectations, their expectations, your goals, and their goals. We introduce a unique concept, the "teeter-totter," a critical balancing act between what a leader expects from a team member and what that individual desires to achieve.

    We delve deeper into how to maintain this balance, setting the stage for productive coaching relationships. Lastly, how to identify target areas for coaching and foster a balance between expectations and goals.

    So, are you ready to redefine your leadership style? Let's sail through the year with renewed focus and energy!

    Welcome to January. You're about to kick off the year, so let me share this. With everything happening in the world, especially with artificial intelligence, we need leaders to coach now more than ever. Today, we will talk about the awareness conversation starting with somebody in terms of developing a coaching relationship.

    The awareness conversation is typically the first conversation you have with someone to establish a framework to coach together in terms of a target area or focus. There's never a better time to do that than the start of the year. Do you know that when people make New Year's resolutions, they typically forget or stop doing the things required to meet that resolution by the middle of February? That said, it's a great time to talk about goals for the year. So, think about things in four quadrants. If you want to draw four quadrants on a paper or whiteboard, in the upper left quadrant, put the word "Expectations." In the right upper quadrant, write down their expectations and the lower left quadrant, put down the word "Goals," and specifically put your goals first and then put their goals.


    Now, here's a concept called the "teeter-totter." The teeter-totter is what I expect from you in terms of being your leader, specific to the job. Yet the flip side of the teeter-totter, on the other side of it, is what that person wants. We call it the WIIFT, What's-In-It-For-Them. That's specific to their goal. That's the balancing act we have to portray and execute as leaders.

    When you think about those quadrants, sit down with your person and show them the expectations you have for them. Then ask them, "Specific to your job, what are your expectations? Specific to the job, what would you like to improve inside the job?" Then the teeter-totter comes in. Here are my goals for the year, and specific to you, what are your goals? That will help you create a really good balance.

    Remember, the teeter-totter never comes to a perfect balance.

    Again, the upper left quadrant is expectations, your expectations of the job. So the upper-level quadrant is the job; write down your expectations for the job. The lower left quadrant is goals, your goals for the job. The upper right quadrant is expectations, their expectations for their job. Write down the expectations they have for themselves specific to the job. Lastly, the lower right quadrant is goals, their goals they have for themselves specific to the job. Write them down.

    What this helps us do is flush out target areas that you can expect and coach to, as well as goals you can expect and coach to.


    Questions to Ask for Goals & Progress:

    • What is one area you're progressing successfully?

    • What is one area you'd like to progress more?

    • What are 2 things that are going well when it comes to your role and progress as it relates to your job?

    • What's 1 area that could accelerate it in terms of improvement?

    • What are 2 things you need to do to raise your ability to improve in your role?

    • What are 2 things you can start doing right now that would facilitate momentum in the direction of your desired goals?

    • What are 2 things you can start doing right now that will accelerate your talent and bring you to the next level?

    If you are looking for a way to strengthen your organization, ask about our Coaching Champion Certification program, where we take everyday employees and use everyday conversations to strengthen the organization's culture. Coaching Champions inspire and motivate others and professionally challenge those who struggle with positivity.

    Get More info Here: click here



    The Coaching Moevement
    The Teeter-Totter: Aligning Employee Goals with Job Expectations

    About Author

    Tim Hagen
    Tim Hagen

    Tim Hagen founded Progress Coaching, a Training Reinforcement Partner Company, in 1997. His entrepreneurial career began in college leading to positions in sales, sales management, and sales training for small and large corporations, and eventually ownership of several training companies. Tim is often a keynote speaker at companies teaching the value of coaching and conversations in the workplace. He possesses a unique combination of hands-on experience, academics, and innovative insight to solve the industry’s most common challenges specific to workplace performance. Tim holds a bachelor’s degree in Adult Education and Training from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

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