Align Career Ambitions with Personal Dreams: Goal-Based Coaching
When coaching career development, one of the greatest things you can do is understand where you want to go. For leaders, you must understand where your people want to go. At Progress Coaching we call it the motivator.
We teach a coaching framework called QALMS, and in this framework, the M is motivator. When you understand someone's motivator, such as someone who wants to become a branch manager or wants to go into marketing (it's not always a promotion), the key to this is to always understand specifically where they want to go.
In our experience, most of the time when we ask people this question, they don't know. They kind of go where things take them. People lose touch with their own motivation.
Here is a great technique you can use called GOAL-based coaching. GOAL stands for:
Great, Opportunity, Actions, Love
Go through this exercise. Get out a piece of paper, whiteboard, or notepad, and at the top of the page write the word GOAL.
Ask the person you're coaching/leading these questions in this order:
#1. What's a goal you have for your career? Even if it's not possible today, what's that goal?
#2: What do you want to achieve as it relates to your goal?
Then go the acronym as if they were coaching questions specific to their goal or desired end-state.
What do you need to be great at?
What opportunities will become your reality if you become great?
What actions do you need to take to reach your goal?
What will you love about achieving your goal?
That last question creates an emotional attachment to their goal. You must have that emotional attachment to motivate them to reach their goal.
This process starts the exploration process for the person you're coaching. Again, GOAL is an acronym you can use as coaching questions: Great, Opportunity, Action and Love.
Everybody's at a different point in their career. Someone's goals and desired end-state may change over time. One of our favorite stories illustrating this method is from years ago at a financial services firm in the call center. I remember when we sat down with him and his manager, the employee immediately started the conversation with, "I can't do more than 75 calls a day. Don't try to make me do more." So I tried this GOAL-based coaching method with him, and started with "What's a goal you have?" When he couldn't think of anything (as many people struggle with), I asked him to give us a personal goal instead. He instantly said, "It is my lifelong dream to take my family to Ireland."
I've told this story many times. I love it because it goes to the emotion of who people are. He did not have a career goal, just this short-term goal of if he could reach his bonus level, he would receive the bonus and he'd be able to take his family to Ireland. Now remember his words "lifelong dream."
We asked him, "What do you need to be great at? What opportunities will be afforded to you when you're great at that? What actions do you need to take?" To be candid and transparent, his answers were kind of fluff to all of those. He was merely going through the motions to finish the conversation. Then we got to the emotional connection part of our questions: love. When he said it was his lifelong dream to take his family to Ireland.
After we finished the conversation, the manager and I asked each other what we could do with this. The employee didn't really know where he wanted to end up or what his desired end state looked like. All he knew was this lifelong dream for his family. Some people don't know. Sometimes, the desired end state is not always a destination. It might be in the present moment. So, in this case, GOAL-based coaching served us really well. Here's what we did.
We changed his screensaver to the hills of Ireland. We started anonymously putting bed and breakfast books for Ireland on his desk. We dropped off Aer Lingus pamphlets on his desk (the Irish-based airlines). As we did this, it started to drive him nuts. He was trying to figure out who was doing all of this. Here's the best part.
Every Sunday night for about 8-10 weeks, I left him a voicemail, knowing the first voice message he would get in the morning would be my voice with this message.
Bob, this is the old country calling. We can't wait till you get here. The Irish people love to have you in the pubs. I hear you're a golfer, too. We've got to get the sticks out and go hit the course together when you're here.
To this day, we never told him it was us, specifically me. Remember the comment he made about not being able to make more than 75 calls a day? Not only did he hit his goal, he went to an average of 103 calls a day. We never asked him to raise his numbers.
Motivation is a very brittle thing. When we dive into career coaching, it can sometimes be a short-term destination.
I remember the manager asking me, "Now, what do I do?" I told him he had to go ask him what he learned about himself that he's positively committed to.
The man's answer was that he finally learned he could go beyond what he'd restricted myself. He could go beyond his own self-induced barriers.
GOAL-based coaching: Great, Opportunity, Action, Love
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