There are so many acronyms people use for the word team but here's one I just created to hopefully provide you further and deeper thought about your team. The goal of this blog post is to serve as a benchmark for you to truly evaluate your team and where they're at. This is not to suggest there is a perfect team but hopefully the questions by each letter in the word team will provide you insight and deeper thought to where you have an opportunity to build an even better team:
Together - is your team truly together? Do they support one another publicly as well as privately? Do they promote one another to upper-level management?
Engaged - does your team listen and listen throughout the whole meeting? Do they listen to one another? Are they void of distractions? Does each team member engage with one another for the betterment of the team goal or aspirations?
Attitude - does your team walk into the office with a positive attitude but more importantly leave with one as well? Do team members pick one another up when they visibly see somebody is down?
Momentum - is your team progressing as a whole as well as individuals? Is your team gaining momentum in specific areas of goal or desired results? Do you know if each team member feels like there progressing in their careers and gaining personal momentum?
Teams are brittle and often are reflection of management leadership. Players come and go but the team is always a collective unit no matter who the players are; therefore, it is incumbent upon the leader to facilitate a cooperative team environment.
Would you like to measure your team?: click here