
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    Spice Up Your Coaching With These 4 Coaching Methods

    July 27, 2015 Posted by : Jordan Schmitz
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    When it comes to coaching, most managers usually stick with two coaching types, one-on-one and group coaching. Both of these are highly effective coaching methods and can be used to get great results. They focus on one to two topics, and use structured activities that complement the targeted areas and challenge the employees. However, using the same few coaching methods over and over can be boring and repetitive. By using a variety of coaching methods, your employees will be more engaged and more accepting of the new information. 

    Here are a few coaching methods to use to help spice up your coaching:

    1. Self-Directed Coaching: This is when a coach assigns an activity or learning project (Ex: Finding and reading an article) for the employee to perform independently. After the employee has completed the task, they report back to their manager with what they learned and how they can apply it to themselves and their work.
    2. 30 Second Coaching: This is a short, direct, high-energy approach to building and sustaining change with coaching. It is most successful when used to address a specific act or behavior demonstrated by an employee, and focuses on one direct message given through positive reinforcement. 
    3. Observational Coaching: This type of coaching involves having one employee simply observe another employee. This allows the employee who is observing to recognize what they are doing well, what they may need to change, and gives them a different perspective on activities they do everyday. Then, after they observe, have them report back to you with one thing they learned, one thing they think they do well, and one thing they think they need to improve upon and how they will go about doing that. 
    4. Whiteboard Coaching: This coaching method involves using an actual whiteboard as a visual aid.  Draw a vertical line down the middle of the white board, on the left side write current, and on the right side write ideal. This type of coaching is used to address specific situations. For example, if an employee is having an attitude problem, have them write down what they think the current situation is like, and what the ideal situation would be. Lastly, have them write down the actions that need to happen to successfully reach the ideal situation. Then either keep that on the whiteboard, or take a picture of it and put it on that employee's desk to motivate and remind them to keep working towards the right side of the whiteboard. 

    Each of these types of coaching can be effective and help employees progress. It is important to keep using different methods to coach because not every situation that needs coaching can be fixed by just one method. Different methods help coach to different problems, and switching up your coaching style can help you and your employees improve and progress. 


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    Jordan Schmitz
    Jordan Schmitz

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