All salespeople struggle with handling price objections. The fact of the matter is salespeople often are at odds with the circumstance. For example, when a salesperson gets a request to lower the price often they simply want to lower the price to meet their monthly or quarterly goal. The challenge is sales teams often lower the brand or the value of the company without even knowing it. It is imperative that sales leaders coach their salespeople on handling price objections and positioning them to successfully negotiate. When a salesperson is apt moment with the customer receiving a price objection they must know the following three things:
Do they know what to do (knowledge)
Do they have the skills to actually do it (skills)
Can they do it with confidence and conviction (behavioral)
Then and only then will salespeople be positioned to handle price objections successfully. Please watch the video below is this will give you a really good idea how to go about starting to coach her sales team to handle price objections more successful.
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