We hear it all the time from the c- level suite we need to execute. One of the most fundamental things that managers need to do that continues to be a challenge decades later is the ability to engage and drive talent development. We can no longer in organizations simply send them to training and think that will be suffice.
Here are 10 questions every CEO or Pres. needs to ask himself or Herself:
- Do my managers motivate staff on a daily basis?
- Are my managers inspiring for the betterment of the organization?
- Can my managers handle conflict with confidence?
- Do my managers understand every employee's unique set of personal goals?
- Can my managers facilitate uplifting and motivational group sessions that drive talent development retention?
- Do my managers staff seek feedback because it's been woven into the team fiber and way of doing things positively?
- Will my managers go the extra yard to help each and every employee achieve their career development goals?
- Do my managers take credit or give credit to the team?
- Do my managers instill confidence or break confidence when dealing with their employees?
- Are my managers helping their teams progress each and every day with scheduled and targeted skill development sessions.
Last Question: Do you have metrics to support how you answered any of these questions? Often we just want to look the other way because we are so busy when in fact if our leaders and managers are not driving talent they are in essence driving talent away whether it's retaining or recruiting staff.
Note: If you would like to measure your organizations leadership's ability to drive talent please check out get your pulse: click here