A culture is really a set of interactions between people within an organization as it represents the ability to work together, deal with conflict with one another, and act as a cohesive team unit.
- If managers invest in the positive things employees do by bringing them in the office and praising them; whereas, most employees think when they are brought into the office it’s for something they did wrong.
- Can employees talk positively about each other and praise one another?
- Are managers skilled at handling conflict for the greater good of the organization and certainly the people?
- Is the word team a cliché or concept versus an action that people understand and represent on a daily basis?
- Are people free to express ideas without fear retribution?
- Do employees clearly understand their career progression and how their manager is going about helping them achieve it?
- Are managers evaluated by retention, people promotion, and reduction in recruiting costs?
Your culture cannot be a tagline or mission statement without a set of actions that represent it. This requires managers and leaders to be skilled at a variety of levels from talent development to conflict resolution to career progression development as well as many other attributes.
Audio Podcast Version: https://soundcloud.com/progresscoaching/coaching-to-your-culture