Social media is a great tool for sales people. It can easily gather information, increase lead generation, allow for warmer introduction calls and much more. The trick to successful use of social media in selling is to remember that despite the new channels of communication, you are still selling, and you are still representing your brand. It is important that your blog or Facebook page are representative of your company. Potential consumers should be able to understand your product or service, what your company stands for and the message you are trying to convey in each social media site that you are a part of.
Take, for example, Starbucks. Their mission is to provide quality coffee and a friendly environment, while still giving back to the community. If you visit both their website and their Facebook page, you can get a sense of what kind of service they provide.
Social media is advancing the way that we reach and connect with our customers. If you want to create business opportunities then it is important that you pick one message and spread it consistently throughout the web.