
    The Progress Coaching Blog


    December 4, 2013 Posted by : Ron Kronforst
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    The corporate world must realize that companies whose employees are engaged and experience a culture of participation in the workplace excel and those that do not fall on hard times. Unfortunately, many companies and individuals have yet to grasp this idea.

    Per the Gallup Organization, 2 of 3 workers are disengaged to some level.  They also found disengaged workers tend to have greater instances of sick days, workplace injuries and overall lower performance than those actively participating in the organization’s long-term goals and/or their own goals. Additionally, the Hay Group found highly-engaged companies improved 19.2% while non-highly-engaged companies fell 32.7%.

    Lack of communication and disconnect between management and employees leads to disgruntled workers, poor performance/production, accidents and ultimately a failing company.

    With this in mind, management CAN coach their employees to improved performance. Coaching drives skills, knowledge and behaviors. Coaching provides the opportunity for organizations and their managers to develop an edge over the competition.

    So why isn’t everyone coaching?  One reason is that many companies see managing and coaching as one in the same, yet they are very different. Coaching is the means to drive better performance, while managing is the leadership role one takes to direct others.

    Another reason may be fear. Managers fear that they do not have the time or that coaching makes them look vulnerable. These fears are unfounded. Being involved with your staff and coaching them gives managers insight to where and when problems may occur. Dictating can’t do that!

    Managers and employee need to work together to set expectations, define the desired results, and create mutually beneficial goals.

    Employees want to be challenged, rewarded, recognized, and engaged. Research indicates they want to get better at their jobs, yet poor management and lack of engagement are huge barriers to seeing better performance.

    If managers learn to successfully coach their employees, they’ll establish a culture of participation and engagement which will in turn lead to positive results.

    Free Book: Coaching: Corporate America's #1 Weapon by Tim Hagen

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    About Author

    Ron Kronforst
    Ron Kronforst

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