
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    New Coaching Question: "Suggestive Coaching"

    May 22, 2013 Posted by : Tim Hagen
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    The concept is to use something called “Suggestive Coaching” questions. For example, “what if we did this together to help address the situation”?  And you just simply stop and listen. The response will indicate where the willingness or effort level is in regards to the employee based on  your suggestion. The trick is then if you get the contrary response is to say “what do you think we should do to address this situation”?


    Suggested coaching is a two-part process. First, you make the suggestion by stating what if we… in the form of a question. Second, you get prepared to respond based on the employee's response. If it's positive you move forward. Again, if it's countering you ask “Well what do you think we should do to address and then you mention the particular business issue. The key is to ask the suggestive question and NOT tell why, rather let the question do its work and listening will be critical to this technique’s success.



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    About Author

    Tim Hagen
    Tim Hagen

    Tim Hagen founded Progress Coaching, a Training Reinforcement Partner Company, in 1997. His entrepreneurial career began in college leading to positions in sales, sales management, and sales training for small and large corporations, and eventually ownership of several training companies. Tim is often a keynote speaker at companies teaching the value of coaching and conversations in the workplace. He possesses a unique combination of hands-on experience, academics, and innovative insight to solve the industry’s most common challenges specific to workplace performance. Tim holds a bachelor’s degree in Adult Education and Training from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

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