Approachability & Coachability
This unique approach provide thought-provoking high- energy presentations designed to help organizations build coaching cultures that ultimately drive talent development and retention. The benefits to the organization are vast.
Webinar Coaching
The webinars are delivered specific to a topic and are highly engaging typically drawing 90+% participation.Each webinar will have specific coaching questions asked and answered and delivered in a post-event.
Webinar Coaching Data
After the webinar coaching event, an additional assessment is utilized relying on coaching questions to drive perspective in action while collecting valuable data for the organization.Post-Webinar Coaching Reinforcement
After the webinar coaching event, coaching reinforcement lessons are utilized to reinforce the subject matter using targeted coaching questions to drive perspective and action.Company Insights Review
After the webinar coaching event and the assessments have been completed, along with the webinar coaching reinforcement lessons, data is compiled every 90 days and delivered to the client speaking to specific coach-the-coach strategies.42% of people are looking for jobs due to a lack of career coaching and development.
85% of people significantly lack self-awareness.
< 1% of people reported they had ever received formal training in school systems to learn to accept and seek feedback professionally, In a recent survey delivered.
71% of people are neutral or actively disengaged, leaving only 29% positive, according to the Gallup organization.
Interested in Enrolling your Team in the Approachability & Coachability Series?