
Why Leaders Need to Coach Especially Now!

Written by Tim Hagen | Tue,Apr 07,2020 @ 11:00 AM

Leaders need to coach as at its most fundamental level it reveals one big reason why! Coaching if done before the pandemic crisis would facilitate a manager's relationship and trust with his or her employees. On the other hand, if the manager is not coaching and fell victim to the typical excuse of not having time to coach this person be at a distinct disadvantage. A manager who does not coach now has to lead their team and it begs the question with the team want to follow this leader during such a stressful time? The number one excuse we get from managers not coaches they don't have time so what happens when a crisis occurs and they magically show up and start asking questions and trying to lead their team?

Coaching is about scheduling time. Coaching is about asking questions and learning and gaining understanding of how employees are feeling and where they want to go with their careers. A manager who coaches and leverage strengths will experience a smoother transition than a manager is not taken the time to coach. During this crisis, how can a manager we has spent no time conversing or asking questions of their team now is asking questions such as how are you feeling? How will employees respond to this as this will come off is out of the ordinary.

There is no greater tool right now then coaching to demonstrate empathy and facilitate leadership as well as drive understanding and clarity of how each and every employee is uniquely feeling.