Coaching Conversation Training Series

Progress Coaching has created a very unique service and offering that positions organizations to have a fixed cost, unlimited access to coaching training conversations. Every day, managers are challenged with attitude or motivation or career based coaching conversations or millennials who want to get promoted or people near retirement who are coasting on the job or what have you. These challenges prompt managers to be able to lead and conversationally coach employees and this is exactly why we built the service. This allows you to pay one fee and train as many managers as you want either live or using our recorded sessions. Please review the video above, as it will give you greater detail. If interested, fill out the form below and we will have a very positive, non-sales driven conversation with you as we believe this service solves the number one issue with managers becoming coaches and no it is not time rather managers battle one major thing: what to do and what to say!

Learn More About The Coaching Training Series

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