
    The Progress Coaching Blog

    The Managers Role in Price Objections

    July 13, 2011 Posted by : Tim Hagen

    Handling price objections is a skill that needs practice. Most salespeople need to build their confidence in this area since it can be a daunting task when a customer proceeds to push for them to lower the price. Managers need to step in and coach their employees through the process of rejecting a price objection. This can require one-on-one coachimanagers roleng, group sessions or peer-to-peer meetings.

    In each session, role-playing should be mandatory since the only way to get better is to practice the task at hand. In group sessions, the manager should observe the interactions and offer constructive feedback at the end, and in peer-to-peer meetings, both people should point out the positives and the negatives that they saw in the session.

    Taking the role-play to the floor is the hardest part and managers should provide recognition when employees have performed the task well. If a sales rep sees real world results as well as approval from upper-level management, they are more likely to continue confidently handling price objections.

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    About Author

    Tim Hagen
    Tim Hagen

    Tim Hagen founded Progress Coaching, a Training Reinforcement Partner Company, in 1997. His entrepreneurial career began in college leading to positions in sales, sales management, and sales training for small and large corporations, and eventually ownership of several training companies. Tim is often a keynote speaker at companies teaching the value of coaching and conversations in the workplace. He possesses a unique combination of hands-on experience, academics, and innovative insight to solve the industry’s most common challenges specific to workplace performance. Tim holds a bachelor’s degree in Adult Education and Training from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

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